Massage 517 & Yoga
Massage & Yoga



EveryBODY deserves Massage and Yoga!!

EveryBODY needs Massage and Yoga!!  

The health and wellness benefits of Massage and Yoga are numerous, and I believe they can and should be intricate parts of everyBODY's health and wellness program. Massage and Yoga are extraordinary stress BUSTERS!  As little as 15 minutes can have a significant reduction on stress levels.  Since stress is the number one underlying cause of disease, Massage and Yoga can help prevent disease as well as be important parts of the disease recovery process.  Massage and Yoga improve and thus increase the body's circulation of blood and lymph to assist with nutrient-dense blood to get to the necessary parts of the body to keep balance and health, as well as assist with the disposal of metabolic wastes from the blood & lymph.

You may or may not know that Massage and Yoga are nothing new and, before what we now know as the health & medical field to be, Massage and Yoga played  HUGE rolls in peoples' health.  Massage and Yoga are natural and are wonderful ways to assist your body in its own healing process.

Listen to your body, it knows more than you!!




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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